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Severity: Warning

Message: explode() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given

Filename: models/proposition_settings_model.php

Line Number: 34

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Severity: Warning

Message: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given

Filename: models/proposition_settings_model.php

Line Number: 42

TVs Aquatelevision - a budgetary ruler of TVs for bathrooms and kitchens. |


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TVs Aquatelevision - a budgetary ruler of TVs...
TVs Aquatelevision - a budgetary ruler of TVs...
06.04.2011р. | #3434

: 04.05.2011р.
: 9666 | : 8014
: 0

TVs Aquatelevision - a budgetary ruler of TVs for bathrooms and kitchens.
TV Aquatelevision - a budgetary ruler of TVs for bathrooms and kitchens. Trade mark Aquatelevision is presented by models with diagonals of screens from 15 "to 52" (15 ", 17", 19 ", 22", 26 ", 32, 42 and 52"). Usually, the surface of the screen of the TV is made in 5 color variants of coverings:

* черний (BLACK);
* silvery (SILVER);
* white (WHITE);
* completely mirror (MIRROR);
* with a mirror framework (MIRROR SURROUND).

TVs Aquatelevision have touch buttons of management on an obverse surface. TVs with a mirror covering of the screen can be made as with touch buttons of management, so without them. Models of mirror TVs with diagonals of the screen 26 "and 32" are made without touch buttons.

TV Aquatelevision represents tight металический the case. The TV case contains built in влагозащищенные sound dynamics. The basic advantage of TVs Aquatelevision is universality of their installation: the TV can be established in a wall, is hung on a wall or established on a rotary VESA-arm which is in turn attached to a wall or a premise ceiling.

All TVs Aquatelevision have two tuners - analog and digital DVB-T (MPEG-2). Опционально or under the separate request the TV can be completed with digital tuner DVB-T with support of reception of land digital video signal in format MPEG-4. This one of the main advantages of TVs Aquatelevision before similar, presented in the market of Ukraine. Analogs have or only the analog tuner, or analog and digital c support MPEG-2. It is fraught with that since 2012 such TV will be not actual in Ukraine, it is necessary to replace it or докупать additional оборудование.LCD TV panels support permissions HD ready. The TV panel - water-proof. Cost of TVs a little below English analogs at the expense of simplified функционала and assemblages in China.
LCD телевизор AquaTelevision купить, телевизор для ванной комнаты цена, бюджетный телевизор для ванной, бюджетные телевизоры для ванной комнаты, бюджетный телевизор в ванную, влагостойкий телевизор для ванной комнаты цена киев, інтерєр кухні, телевизор для ванны влагостойкий телевизор Медиа маркт в Спб, телевизор aquatelevision купить, телевизоры для кухни и ванны


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